Workshop Cartography of a smell walk in Lisbon. Discover the invisible world of smell
The workshop delves into the world of smell and its spatial representation in public spaces. The aim is to investigate how smell sensations and their spatial distribution can provide new insights into urban environments and public spaces. Smell maps are often limited to two dimensions, the aim here is to collectively explore the possibilities of section representations of public plac es smell perception. We will begin with an interactive session designed to awaken/discover the sense of smell. Participants will engage in various sensory exercises to experience and learn some smell specificities. After this awaking time, we will go close to the congress location on a smell “tour”. Participants will capture the unique olfactory character of Lisbon's public spaces through both drawing and discussion. This sensory exploration aims to illustrate how smells reflect the uses, locations, and activities of different urban areas. Back on the congress site, findings and drawings will be shared, and a discussion on the challenges and opportunities of representing smells on a map will be engaged.