Out‐of‐Equilibrium Mechanical Disruption of β‐Amyloid‐Like Fibers using Light‐Driven Molecular Motors - Archive ouverte HAL
Article Dans Une Revue Advanced Materials Année : 2024

Out‐of‐Equilibrium Mechanical Disruption of β‐Amyloid‐Like Fibers using Light‐Driven Molecular Motors


Artificial molecular motors have the potential to generate mechanical work on their environment by producing autonomous unidirectional motions when supplied with a source of energy. However, the harnessing of this mechanical work to subsequently activate various endoenergetic processes that can be useful in materials science remains elusive. Here, it is shown that by integrating a light‐driven rotary motor through hydrogen bonds in a β‐amyloid‐like structure forming supramolecular hydrogels, the mechanical work generated during the constant rotation of the molecular machine under UV irradiation is sufficient to disrupt the β‐amyloid fibers and to trigger a gel‐to‐sol transition at macroscopic scale. This melting of the gel under UV irradiation occurs 25 °C below the temperature needed to melt it by solely using thermal activation. In the dark, a reversible sol–gel transition is observed as the system fully recovers its original microstructure, thus illustrating the possible access to new kinds of motorized materials that can be controlled by advanced out‐of‐equilibrium thermodynamics.
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hal-04737459 , version 1 (15-10-2024)




Dania Daou, Yohan Zarate, Mounir Maaloum, Dominique Collin, Guillaume Fleith, et al.. Out‐of‐Equilibrium Mechanical Disruption of β‐Amyloid‐Like Fibers using Light‐Driven Molecular Motors. Advanced Materials, 2024, 36 (18), pp.2311293. ⟨10.1002/adma.202311293⟩. ⟨hal-04737459⟩
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