Unpacking Commodity Price Swings: Reading the News to Understand Inflation
The objective is to provide the opportunity to discuss and promote topical empirical research related to all areas of monetary economics. Some particularly relevant topics are:Inflation dynamics, commodity prices and inflation expectationsThe identification of the transmission channels of monetary policyThe role of heterogeneity for monetary policy transmissionMonetary policy, financial stability and macroprudential policiesCentral bank balance sheet policies and quasi-fiscal monetary policiesMonetary policy and transition risks related to climate changeCentral bank communication strategiesThe workshop will include two keynote speakers Anna Cieslak (Duke University) and Giorgio Primiceri (Northwestern University).
La Banque de France, le CEPR, Sciences Po et l'OFCE organisent leur 11ème atelier Empirical Monetary Economics à Paris les 12-13 décembre 2023. The objective is to provide the opportunity to discuss and promote topical empirical research related to all areas of monetary economics. Some particularly relevant topics are:Inflation dynamics, commodity prices and inflation expectationsThe identification of the transmission channels of monetary policyThe role of heterogeneity for monetary policy transmissionMonetary policy, financial stability and macroprudential policiesCentral bank balance sheet policies and quasi-fiscal monetary policiesMonetary policy and transition risks related to climate changeCentral bank communication strategiesThe workshop will include two keynote speakers Anna Cieslak (Duke University) and Giorgio Primiceri (Northwestern University).