Recursive system identification for Havriliak-Negami functions by using modified LMRPEM method
Initially thought of as a mere mathematical object, fractional calculus has proven over the latest years to be useful to well model complex dynamics in diffusion or propagation. Fractional-order models allow to include a vast coexistence of time-constants without having a huge increase in the number of parameters for the model. Two original functions were once used to analyze dielectric phenomena: Cole-Cole and Davidson-Cole functions. A third one generalizes the two previous ones: the Havriliak-Negami function. By using the concept of recursive poles and zeros (see Oustaloup (1995)) and a decomposition in a Davidson-Cole and a complementary function (Sommacal et al. (2008b)), it is possible to approximate and simulate the response of the Havriliak-Negami function in the time domain. This paper deals with the recursive identification in the continuous-time domain for a system whose model is described as a Havriliak-Negami function. The LMRPEM method is then adapted and tested in simulation.