Dataset for the manuscript "Pharmacokinetic modeling of Sulfamethoxazole-Trimethoprim and Sulfadiazine-Trimethoprim combinations in broilers"
Dataset associated to the manuscript "Pharmacokinetic modeling of Sulfamethoxazole-Trimethoprim and Sulfadiazine-Trimethoprim combinations in broilers".
The dataset contains all the data (e.g. observations, time, censoring...) used for the population PK modeling described in the manuscript. The column: - "ID corresponds to the individual (broiler) - "Time" corresponds to the sampling time - "Amount" corresponds to the amount of drug received - "Administration" and "Route" correspond to the administration route - "OCC" and "Week" correspond to the week of cross-over - "Observation" corresponds to the amount of drug dosed - "Censoring" and "Limit of quantification" correspond to the left censoring of the data - "Obs_ID" corresponds to the molecule studied - "Sampling and Injection events" corresponds to any events during the experiment