CarlierLab/NanoSeq: NanoSeq v0.1.4
CarlierLab/NanoSeq: NanoSeq v0.1.4
NanoSeq is a pipeline used at the LIPME to assemble plasmid and PCR sequences with Nanopore. This pipeline is designed to enable routine sequencing of whole plasmids (>50kb) and PCR products (>1kb) on Nanopore Minion, Flongle or Promethion flow cells. It takes a set of basecalled and demultiplexed sequencing reads data in FASTQ or BAM format The pipeline has been tested on data from R9.4 and R10.4 flow cells and performs best with >100x depth per sample, but lower depth is also possible (as low as 30x with the latest flow cells and chemistry).