Hybrid light-matter states in topological superconductors coupled to cavity photons
We consider a one-dimensional topological superconductor hosting Majorana bound states at its ends coupled to a single mode cavity. In the strong light-matter coupling regime, electronic and photonic degrees of freedom hybridize resulting in the formation of polaritons. We find the polariton spectrum by calculating the cavity photon spectral function of the coupled electron-photon system. In the topological phase, the lower in energy polariton modes are formed by the bulk-Majorana transitions coupled to cavity photons and are also sensitive to the Majorana parity. In the trivial phase, the lower polariton modes emerge due to the coupling of the bulk-bulk transitions across the gap to photons. Our work demonstrates the formation of polaritons in topological superconductors coupled to photons that contain information on the features of the Majorana bound states.