Homography-based 2D Visual Tracking and Servoing
The objective of this paper is to propose a new homography-based approach to image-based visual tracking and servoing. The visual tracking algorithm proposed in the paper is based on a new efficient second-order minimization method. Theoretical analysis and comparative experiments with other tracking approaches show that the proposed method has a higher convergence rate than standard first-order minimization techniques. Therefore, it is well adapted to real-time robotic applications. The output of the visual tracking is a homography linking the current and the reference image of a planar target. Using the homography, a task function isomorphic to the camera pose has been designed. A new image-based control law is proposed which does not need any measure of the 3D structure of the observed target (e.g. the normal to the plane). The theoretical proof of the existence of the isomorphism between the task function and the camera pose and the theoretical proof of the stability of the control law are provided. The experimental results, obtained with a 6 d.o.f. robot, show the advantages of the proposed method with respect to the existing approaches.