Structural elucidation of complex polyesters polyols from bio-lubricant using off-line liquid chromatography x supercritical fluid chromatography coupled with Orbitrap mass spectrometry
Synthetic complex esters and polyol esters are incorporated as partially bio-based and biodegradable alternatives to petroleum base oils in lubricant formulations, to provide specific properties or performance and to help reducing their carbon footprint in certain cases. A sample can contain over 400 molecules of high chemical similarity including numerous isomers. To resolve such complexity, a separation technique with large peak capacity coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) is essential. In this study, comprehensive off-line LCxSFC hyphenated with an Orbitrap analyzer was used for the structural elucidation of a synthetic bio-lubricant composed of a polyol reacted with fatty acids of varying length or with repetitive units of polyesters of ricinoleic acid. Retention in the LC first dimension was mostly due to the degree of oligomerization of ricinoleic acid within the polyester and to the chain length of the fatty acid. The SFC second dimension highlighted the esterification degree of the polyalcohol and the number and positions of fatty acids double bonds. The combination of both dimensions permitted the separation of isomers. The coupling of SFC with Orbitrap analyzer allowed an accurate assignment of molecular formulas. Finally, the fragmentation in the ionization source confirmed the attributed structures. By introducing a clear distribution of the chemical structures in the retention space, LCxSFC-HRMS provided a powerful analytical method for the comprehensive molecular characterization of the complex polyester polyols sample.