Randomized Consensus: Common Coins Are not the Holy Grail!
This paper is on binary randomized consensus in an n-process asynchronous distributed system, where each process is equipped with a binary random coin, and up to t processes may crash. Ficher, Lynch, and Paterson proved that the Consensus problem cannot be solved deterministically in such a context. It has been known since Ben-Or and Rabin in the early eighties that randomization allows solving the problem with probability 1 using round-based algorithms. Moreover, while local random binary coins may entail an exponential number of rounds in the number of processes of the system, a common coin that delivers the same random and unpredictable sequence of random binary values to all processes allows consensus algorithms that terminate within a constant average number of rounds.
One may think that a common coin is The Oracle that needs to be provided for time-optimal randomized consensus. This paper studies the round complexity and the optimality of randomized consensus algorithms for different coins and different ratios n/t. For instance for n/3
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Soumis le : mardi 7 mai 2024-15:58:59
Dernière modification le : jeudi 19 décembre 2024-16:50:04
Dates et versions
- HAL Id : hal-04571212 , version 1
Achour Mostefaoui, Matthieu Perrin, Julien Weibel. Randomized Consensus: Common Coins Are not the Holy Grail!. LS2N-Nantes Université. 2024. ⟨hal-04571212⟩