A Combinatorial Generalisation of Rank two Complex Reflection Groups via Generators and Relations
Complex reflection groups of rank two are precisely the finite groups in the family of groups that we call virtual complex reflection groups of rank two. These groups are particular cases of $J$-groups as defined by Achar \& Aubert in ['On rank 2 complex reflection groups', \emph{Comm. Algebra} \textbf{36}(6) (2008), 2092-2132]. Virtual complex reflection groups generalise both complex reflection groups of rank two and toric reflection groups, a family of groups defined and studied by Gobet in ['Toric reflection groups', \emph{Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society} \textbf{116} (2) (2024), 171-199]. We give uniform presentations by generators and relations of virtual complex reflection groups of rank two, which coincide with the presentations given by Broué, Malle and Rouquier in ['Complex reflection groups, braid groups, Hecke algebras', \emph{J. reine angew. Math.} \textbf{500} (1998), 127-190.] when the groups are finite. In particular, these presentations provide uniform presentations for complex reflection groups of rank two where the generators are reflections (however the proof uses the classification of irreducible complex reflection groups). Moreover, we show that the center of virtual complex reflection groups is cyclic, generalising what happens for irreducible complex reflection groups of rank two and toric reflection groups. Finally, we classify virtual complex reflection groups up to reflection isomorphisms.