ICAMUS: Evaluation Criteria of an Interactive Multisensory Authoring Tool
This paper presents the advancement of the PRIM project that aims at giving the power to non-computer experts to create digital and interactive scenarios. For this purpose, we explored the strengths and limitations of the visual programming languages and the mulsemedia editors chosen for their ease of use. Results led to a criteria list that our final solution should meet, named the ICAMUS criteria for Interface, Combinatorics, Affordance, Modularity, Ubiquity, and Synoptic. This paper proposes a scale based on the ICAMUS criteria that may assess the Interactive and Multisensory Authoring Tools (IMAT scale). Last, this paper discusses how to compute a score based on three metrics (presence/absence of elements, number of clicks to do an action, and time needed to do this action) and the visual representation of this score that has to give a complete profile of the tool. We hypothesize that this scale will be able to highlight the complementarities of visual programming languages and mulsemedia editors as well as the challenges to face.