Spin-orbit correlations in the nucleon in the large-$N_{c}$ limit
We study the twist-3 spin-orbit correlations of quarks described by the nucleon matrix elements of the parity-odd rank-2 tensor QCD operator (the parity-odd partner of the QCD energy-momentum tensor). Our treatment is based on the effective dynamics emerging from the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry and the mean-field picture of the nucleon in the large-$N_c$ limit. The twist-3 QCD operators are converted to effective operators, in which the QCD interactions are replaced by spin-flavor-dependent chiral interactions of the quarks with the pion field. We compute the nucleon matrix elements of the twist-3 effective operators and discuss the role of the chiral interactions in the spin-orbit correlations. We derive the first-quantized representation in the mean-field picture and develop a quantum-mechanical interpretation. The chiral interactions give rise to new spin-orbit couplings and qualitatively change the correlations compared to the quark model picture. We also derive the twist-3 matrix elements in the topological soliton picture where the quarks are integrated out (skyrmion). The methods used here can be extended to other QCD operators describing higher-twist nucleon structure and generalized parton distributions.
Mots clés
quantum chromodynamics, operator
tensor, energy-momentum
soliton, topological
expansion 1/N, color
quark, interaction
quark, correlation
symmetry, chiral
parton, distribution function
nucleon, structure
spontaneous symmetry breaking, chiral
effective operator
generalized parton distribution
quark model
quantum mechanics