Genetic Evaluation as a Technology of Governance of Animal Genetic Resources. Interbull and its regulative role in the globalization of cattle breeding.
The development of genetic evaluation technologies follows the story of governance of cattle genetic resources by addressing the issue of their values. In the era of industrial breeding, the question of genetic value is not merely a technical question. Put into historical perspective of the period we call “neoliberal globalization” (the 1960’s to now), technologies of cattle genetic evaluation proved to be technologies of governance. Nationally computed, EBVs accompany genetic products (semen, embryos, live animals) meeting at the global market. The comparability of those values becomes an issue for ordering circulations of cattle genetic resources and for governing the cattle breeding activity on the global level. National interests, scientific objectivity, laws of the neoliberal market and biological nature of the commercialized products come together to challenge the globalization of the cattle breeding. How to deal with a global pool of resources? Should we account for the diversity of their values? The examples of Interbull (International Bull Evaluation Service), Eurogenomics (the European consortium of semen producers) and of South Africa (as an example of a "developing" country trying to save its own national cattle breeding industry) helps to understand how different techno-political strategies are competing to address such questions and to set up different solutions suitable for different logics.