From the archive to the museum. Study, architectural context and presentation of the mosaics of the church of Oum Nir el Qoublé (Northern Syria)
De l’archive au musée. Étude, remise en contexte architectural et présentation des mosaïques de l’église d’Oum Nir el Qoublé (Syrie du Nord)
Accidentally discovered over 40 years ago, the church of Oum Nir has since been excavated
and documented but remains unpublished. Several of its mosaics have been cut
out for preservation purposes and according to display requirements for the Ma᾽arret
An-Nou᾽man Museum. Thanks to photographs taken at the time of the discovery, it is
now possible to shed light on their initial position within the church; this new study
thus allows us to reconstruct the layout of the decoration in its original architectural