Circuit Breakers and Market Quality in High Frequency Markets
This paper examines the effectiveness of short-term circuit breakers as a financial markets’ regulation tool. We assess their ability to limit large price swings and curb panic trading by observing how the behavior of market participants (pure-HFT, mix-HFT, and non-HFT) is altered. We essentially track their liquidity provision and consumption over relatively calm periods and during specific turbulent periods that lead to trading halts. Our sample covers High-Frequency data on trades and orders (all messages) on the most liquid stocks included in the SBF120 French Index for the period ranging from January 4, 2016 to December 28, 2016. We reveal that non-HFTs and mix-HFTs start playing the role of liquidity suppliers and effectively use trading halts to dampen price movements. These protected traders’ categories initiate a trend reversal while surprisingly, HFTs stop acting as market-makers and post more aggressive trades in the trend direction, which makes market recovery more difficult. Overall, our findings suggest that a circuit breaker may be insufficient to deter all traders from following a trend and hence, to prevent a potential market crash. Financial tools could be developed to manage the order flow toxicity in real-time.