Fatigue Behavior of Smart Composites with Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors for Offshore Applications
Continuous inspection of critical zones is essential to monitor the state of strain within offshore wind blades, thus, enabling appropriate actions to be taken when needed to avoid heavy maintenance. Wind-turbine blades contain various substructures made of composites, sandwich panel, and bond-joined parts that need reliable Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) techniques. Embedded, distributed Fiber-Optic Sensors (FOS) are one of the most promising techniques that are commonly used for large-scale smart composite structures. They are chosen as monitoring systems for their small size, being noise-free, and low electrical risk characteristics. In recent works, we have shown that embedded FOSs can be positioned linearly and/or in whatever position with the scope of providing pieces of information about actual strain in specific locations. However, linear positioning of distributed FOS fails to provide all strain parameters, whereas sinusoidal sensor positioning has been shown to overcome this issue. This method can provide multiparameter strains over the whole area when the sensor is embedded. Nevertheless, and beyond what a sensor can offer as valuable information, the fact remains that it is a “flaw” from the perspective of mechanics and materials. In this article and through some mechanical tests on smart composites, evidence was given that the presence of embedded FOS influences the mechanical behavior of smart composites, whether for quasi-static or fatigue tests, under 3-point bending. Some issues directly related to the fiber-architecture have to be solved.