Dynamic Mechanical Analysis Test for Evaluating Loose Sands on a Wide Strain Range—Application to the InSight Mission on Mars
The dynamic properties of loose sands under low stresses are an unexplored topic in soil dy- namics because these soil conditions are uncommon in most geotechnical structures on Earth. However, low densities and low-stress conditions prevail on other planets, like, for instance, the surface of Mars, for which particular attention is presently given through the InSight NASA mission. This work presents a new procedure for measuring the dynamic properties of loose sand under low stress by using the dynamical mechanical analysis (DMA) tester, a technique commonly used in asphalt engineering but not in geotechnical engineering. Compared to tradi- tional geotechnical methods (resonant column and cyclic triaxial tests), DMA investigates a broader range of strains using a single apparatus. In this work, we assess the dynamical properties of loose fine sand Dr ≈ 0.2, considered a possible Mars regolith analog, by varying the input strain from γ = 10^−6 to γ = 10^−2 while applying confining pressures from σ3 = 3 kPa to σ3 = 30 kPa. The results validate the proposed procedure, showing an increment of the shear modu- lus as the confining pressure increases. Furthermore, they highlight DMA’s advantages for studying the dynamic properties of granular soils under low stress and strain.