Poster Communications Year : 2022

Experimental characterization of the chemical composition and structure of molecular soot precursors and soot particles in a laminar diffusion flame by coupling ToF-SIMS and Raman spectroscopy

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hal-04427309 , version 1 (30-01-2024)


  • HAL Id : hal-04427309 , version 1


Jessy Elias, Alessandro Faccinetto, Cornelia Irimiea, Nicolas Nuns, Claire Pirim, et al.. Experimental characterization of the chemical composition and structure of molecular soot precursors and soot particles in a laminar diffusion flame by coupling ToF-SIMS and Raman spectroscopy. 39th International Symposium on Combustion, Jul 2022, Vancouver, Canada. . ⟨hal-04427309⟩
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