Cyclic loading response of monopile foundations in cohesionless soils
Most offshore wind farms around Europe are being constructed with monopile foundations.
Whilst there is some knowledge transfer from oil and gas design there are also a number of key differences,
which means new design guidelines are needed. This paper outlines some of the key issues confronting the
offshore wind turbine foundation designer and concentrates on the effect of cyclic loading. It presents experimental
results from a series of 1g model tests, following on from the work of Leblanc et al. (2010a). The
tests aim at further exploring a framework for calculating the long term accumulated rotation. The results confirm
the phenomenological laws proposed by Leblanc et al. (2010a) for the accumulated rotation and the cyclic
secant stiffness. The results also highlight that in addition to the relative density and load characteristics,
the accumulated rotation and the secant stiffness appear to be dependent on the sand properties.
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