Payroll and Sports Results: The Weight of (In)Efficiency. Analysis of the 1st and 2nd French Football Leagues, from 2012 to 2018.
Masse salariale et résultats sportifs. Le poids de l'(in)efficience. Analyse des ligues 1 et 2 du football français, de 2012 à 2018.
Many studies indicate a strong correlation between payroll and sports results. Our contribution
intends to review the relationships between the two indicators while aiming to evaluate the
weight of (in)efficiency in development of performance in sport, relative to that of payroll. In
other words, we are aiming to determine at what proportion we can shift the stakes of this
relationship i.e. from a problem which is centred on the ability to mobilise the maximum
amount of resources in the strengthening of the workforce, to a different kind of problem – one
focused on development of skills with the goal of optimising investment. It is about rendering
the (in)capacity of clubs toward maximisation of their investments in their players in order to
achieving sports results. Special attention is paid to regularity, for the purpose of checking
whether one representative group of clubs regularly manages to maximise its player investment
while another group is underperforming in view of sums invested. The underlying issue is the
identification of managerial specificities and skills which enable the maintenance of high levels
of efficiency and thereby generate competitive advantages.