EPOS-France - GPSMob data - Mission n° 09-230 - Toulouse (2009) - 2009-09-22 / 2009-10-17 - 2 points
EPOS-France - GPSMob data from the mission n°09-230 in Toulouse (2009).Responsibles: Bosser. Mission started on 2009-09-22 and ended on 2009-10-17. Data were measured on 2 points. The data for each mission is organized in several subdirectories: (i) raw: contains what has been identified as raw data, if ever provided; (ii) rinex: contains the rinex files, possibly split by day, renamed in lower case and with the most likely point name, in d.Z format; (iii) meta: contains all other files (calculation configuration files, field logs, photos, etc.) The automatic verification procedure generates station.info.insu and compte_rendu_de_traitement_insu.txt files.