Distribution and implication of silicon isotopic composition in marine and freshwaters
Recent progresses in silicon isotopic measurements using
MC-ICP-MS technology have brought hopes among the
biogeochemical scientific community in order to improve our
knowledge on the silicon cycle (Cardinal et al., 2003).
Results and Discussion
The first silicon isotopic dissolved profiles obtained by
this technique have confirmed the biological fractionation
effect (De la Rocha et al., 2000) linked to the siliceous
organism productivity both in marine (Antarctic Ocean) and
fresh water (Lake Tanganyika) systems. This isotopic
desequilibrium (δ29Si = 0.94±0.11 in surface and 0.62±0.06 in
deep) is controlled by the Rayleigh distillation equation and
allows to reconstruct the dissolved silicic acid utilisation based
on the fractionation factor recorded in biogenic opal material.
The fractionation observed in our studies between the
dissolved Si pool in surface waters and the estimated diatom
signature displays a δ29Si strikingly similar to what was
measured on cultured batch (De la Rocha et al., 1997). These
in-vivo measurements thus confirm the small impact in
changes of temperature, salinity, pH and diatom species in the
fractionation process.
Spatial and temporal changes of the silicic acid utilisation
will be discussed for the Tanganyika lake and Antarctic water
samples along with the isotopic signature of silicon sources.
Several questions still need consideration: A better
constrain of the Si isotopic fractionation factor and the
parameters controlling it; Determining the δ29Si for silicic acid
supply to the euphotic zone and its spatial variability;
Deepening our perception of this tracer to provide valuable
information on paleo-diatom rich productivities.