Digging into visual digital traces of performing arts
This presentation explores the crucial role of digital traces in addressing the challenges faced by the ephemeral performing arts, including preservation, analysis, and historiography. It examines how computational methods revitalize established inquiries in performing arts studies while also introducing new research questions. While traditional attention has focused on textual documents like plays and programs, there is a shifting trend towards computational analyses of images and video recordings, marking a significant milestone.
To begin, despite the abundance of performance video recordings available on platforms such as YouTube, it remains essential to subject them to a close reading approach for thorough analysis and interpretation. I will introduce MemoRekall, a free and open-source web application for video annotation that enables the addition of notes, documents, and web links.
Furthermore, the vast quantity of images and video recordings presents new opportunities for distant reading. It allows us to envision an iconology of the performing arts and gain a comprehensive understanding of their history through visual forms. The advancements in digital humanities and artificial intelligence further contribute to the transformative "visual turn" in performing arts studies.
These reflections will be at the core of the ERC STAGE project, scheduled to commence in January 2024.