Waveform Inversion with a Data Driven Estimate of the Internal Wave
We study an inverse problem for the wave equation, concerned with estimating the wave speed from data gathered by an array of sources and receivers that emit probing signals and measure the resulting waves. The typical approach to solving this problem is a nonlinear least squares minimization of the data misfit, over a search space. There are two main impediments to this approach, which manifest as multiple local minima of the objective function: The nonlinearity of the mapping from the wave speed to the data, which accounts for multiple scattering effects, and poor knowledge of the kinematics (smooth part of the wave speed), which causes cycle skipping. We show that the nonlinearity can be mitigated using a data driven estimate of the wave field at points inside the medium, also known as the “internal wave field.” This leads to improved performance of the inversion for a reasonable initial guess of the kinematics.