Controls on the spatial distribution and temporal variation of anthropogenic tracers in the sediments of the Paris sewerage system.
Contrôles de la distribution spatiale et de la variation temporelle des traceurs anthropiques dans les sédiments du réseau d'égouts de Paris.
The urban environment is made up of a complex and changing mosaic of territories. To what extent these spatial heterogeneities, between territories, determine the quality of life or social, economic or health inequalities? Within the framework of the ANR EGOUT project (, we assume that the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of tracers archived in the sediments of the Parisian sewerage networks can help deciphering the diversity of aboveground conditions and their temporal trajectory.We compiled the geochemical results acquired before cleaning out operations on sediments accumulated in more than 100 silt traps (STs) that line the sewerage network of the City of Paris. These STs receive sediments that transit through the Parisian combined (wastewater and stormwater) sewer system. These analyses concern granulometry, metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), but also 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These regulatory analyses (which guide the nature of the treatment processes to be implemented) have been available since the year 2000, with cleaning out and thus measurement frequencies varying from one ST to another. They therefore allow addressing not only geochemical spatial disparities but also their temporal evolution.In order to assign these results to the corresponding catchment areas for every ST, we first defined the catchment areas of each DT. The TIGRE 7 information system of the City of Paris was used to distinguish each sub-network draining the sediments to each ST. Two spatial scales of drainage (wet and dry weather), but also a sedimentary cascade system could be highlighted. The catchment areas of each ST were then defined by linking individual connections to individual addresses and cadastral parcels.Here are the most striking results from the exploitation of existing data:The Haussmannian buildings, which are present for the most part in the city Centre, are major sources of zinc emissions (Gromaire et al., 2001). This element is found in the sediments of DT draining areas with a high density of historical buildings. Based on concentration ratios (Ayrault et al., 2008), PAHs mainly result from road traffic. The concentration of PAHs has been decreasing in ST sediments since 2000. This decrease could reflect the 59% decrease in the car traffic in Paris recorded between 2001 and 2018. PAH levels and types differ from DT to another, as already noted by Rocher et al. (2004). These differences probably indicate local specificities in PAH production of each catchment area. Cross-referencing our data with other spatialized data related to potential PAH sources (road traffic, heating, etc.) should allow us to better understanding the factors that control their presence in sewer sediments.