Collapse of polydisperse columns: looking for a scaling between energy and mobility
In general, building granular columns is only possible when the grains are cemented together
(as a sandcastle). In this case, adhesive forces transform the forces network into a self-
stressed network of tensile and compressive forces assuring the stability of the column. But,
as soon as the cohesive forces disappear, the columns collapse into a pile of grains, whose
angle of repose depends mainly on the shape of the grains. Nevertheless, self-supported
granular structures can also emerge without the need of any binder when considering non-
convex grains. The non-convex grains can entangle inducing a cohesion of geometric origin.
We designed 2D simulations in order to systematically explore the occurrence and magnitude
(defined from the maximum height of a stable column) of geometric cohesion with star-shaped
grains. Numerically, the arms of the stars are made of rectangles with rounded caps. The
number of arms increases from 3 to 14. We performed a series of collapse tests on columns
of increasing size. We find that the geometric cohesion increases with the number of arms up
to a maximum value for 9 arms, and then declines until the behavior of the assembly remains
only frictional. By studying the microstructure of the initial states, we show that the generated
columns are hyperstatic (quantified via the coordination number), and that the degree of
hyperstaticity is maximum for precisely 9 arms. This is explained by the entanglement of the
grains and the increase in the number of multiple contacts between them as a function of the
number of arms, revealing “frozen” local structures. Finally, 3D experiments are developed in
parallel to the numerical tests by printing a large quantity of grains composed of [XX, YY] arms.
Our preliminary experimental results confirm the existence of a maximum for the geometric
cohesion with the number of arms.