Unambiguous assignment of ethylene transitions in the 5900-6200 cm-1 range
Among other species, methane [1] and acetylene [2] were detected in the atmospheres of Hot Jupiter exoplanets. The James Webb Space Telescope is expected to detect other small hydrocarbons including ethylene (C2H4), in particular in the near-infrared spectral range [3]. High-temperature and high-resolution laboratory data are therefore needed both to unambiguously detect this species and to retrieve its atmospheric concentration and temperature profiles. Our aim is to produce high-temperature spectroscopic data of ethylene in the 1.6-1.7 μm spectral region using our SMAUG hypersonic wind tunnel, which has already been applied to methane [4,5]. Nevertheless, due to the very dense absorption spectrum of ethylene even at room temperature, a preliminary measurement campaign was carried out at very low temperatures under slit jet-cooled conditions to first provide accurate assignments of cold band transitions. A series of three spectra were recorded by cavity ringdown spectroscopy and tunable distributed feedback laser diodes at rotational temperatures of 6K, 16K and 54K using either Ar/C2H4 or N2/C2H4 gas mixtures. Unambiguous assignment of the observed rovibrational lines is performed using the TheoReTS ab initio line list [6] and the SPVIEW/XTDS software package [7]. These transitions have been attributed to seven interacting vibrational bands: v2 +v3 +v11, v2 +v6 +v9, v1 +v11, v5 +v11, v1 +v2 +v12, v5 + v9, and v9 + 2v12.
[1] M. Swain, G. Vasisht, G. Tinetti, Nature, 452, 329{331 (2008).
[2] P. Giacobbe et al., Nature, 592, 205{208 (2021).
[3] D. Gasman,et al., A&A, 659, A114 (2022).
[4] E. Dudás et al., J. Chem. Phys., 152, 134201 (2020).
[5] E. Dudás et al., Icarus, 394, 115421 (2023).
[6] M. Rey, et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc., 327, 138{158 (2016)
[7] Ch. Wenger, et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc., 251, 102-113 (2008)