Investigation of the flame dynamics during flame - cooling air film - wall interaction processes by simultaneous PIV, OH-PLIF and phosphor thermometry measurements
The aviation industry is facing serious challenges to tackle the transition energy. New engine concepts are therefore considered, with increased energy density inside the combustor. Wall cooling is thus a critical concern, and flame-cooling air film-wall interaction (FCAI) become a critical process to better understand. In this study, the near-wall combustion test bench CENTOR is used to generate simplified FCAI events with a slot cooling device. Velocity fields, flame dynamics and surface wall temperature are simultaneously measured by particle image velocimetry (PIV), planar laser induced fluorescence on the hydroxyl radical (OH-PLIF), and phosphor thermometry (PT) for various blowing ratios. Mean fields and cooling effectiveness are analysed regarding the presence of the air film. A joint statistical analysis of the flame curvature and flame strain rate bring out the influence of the shear layer between both flows on the flame.