Randomly Micro-structured Silicon for Thermal Light Engineering: Radiative Properties and Applications
Meta-materials for thermal radiation control and conversion have been a very active field of research during the past decade in relation with several applications such as thermophotovoltaics, radiative cooling, thermal rectification, etc. Such meta-materials are often made of ordered structures such as 1D or 2D periodic structures, photonic crystals, multilayers, resonant cavities, and surface gratings among others. In this contribution, we will focus on a specific class of metamaterials made of randomly micro-structured silicon surfaces alternatively known as black silicon due its light trapping capabilities that make it appear black in the visible range. In recent years, we have studied the morphology [1] of such random structures fabricated using cryogenic deep reactive etching [4] and the influence of this morphology, the doping level, the doping profile [6-9] and surface functionalization [5] on the material radiative properties. We will show how these different parameters enable to significantly enhance the material absorptivity and emissivity over a wide mid-infrared spectral range. These parameters also offer many degrees of freedom to tune the spectral range of the desired property and optimize it for a given application. We will finally illustrate the potential of such meta-materials in different applications of thermal radiation harvesting, conversion and management [2, 3].
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3. Herv´e, A., G. Hamaoui, T. Bourouina, P. Basset, and E. Nefzaoui, “Radiative cooling using micro-structured silicon,” C’Nano 2023, submitted.
4. Nguyen, K., D. Abi-Saab, P. Basset, E. Richalot, M. Malak, N. Pavy, F. Flourens, F. Marty, D. Angelescu, Y. Leprince-Wang, et al., “Study of black silicon obtained by cryogenic plasma etching: Approach to achieve the hot spot of a thermoelectric energy harvester,” Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 18, No. 11, 1807–1814, 2012.
5. Saeed, A., A. A. Elsayed, F. Marty, E. Nefzaoui, T. Bourouina, H. A. Shawkey, Y. M. Sabry, and D. Khalil, “Mid-infrared radiation source for spectroscopic applications based on multiwalled carbon nanotubes on top of silicon,” Nanophotonics VIII, Vol. 11345, 105–110, SPIE, 2020.
6. Sarkar, S., A. A. Elsayed, F. Marty, J. Dr´evillon, Y. M. Sabry, J. Zhao, Y. Yu, E. Richalot, P. Basset, T. Bourouina, et al., “Effects of doping on the morphology and infrared radiative properties of black silicon,” 2019 25th International Workshop on Thermal Investigations of ICs and Systems (THERMINIC), 1–4, IEEE, 2019.
7. Sarkar, S., A. A. Elsayed, E. Nefzaoui, J. Dr´evillon, P. Basset, F. Marty, M. Anwar, Y. Yu, J. Zhao, X. Yuan, et al., “NIR and MIR absorption of ultra-black silicon (UBS) application to high emissivity, all-silicon, light source,” 2019 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 860–862, IEEE, 2019.
8. Sarkar, S., A. A. Elsayed, Y. M. Sabry, F. Marty, J. Drévillon, X. Liu, Z. Liang, E. Richalot, P. Basset, E. Nefzaoui, and T. Bourina, “Black silicon revisited as an ultrabroadband perfect infrared absorber over 20 µm wavelength range,” Advanced Photonics Research, 2200223, 2022.
9. Sarkar, S., E. Nefzaoui, G. Hamaoui, F. Marty, P. Basset, and T. Bourouina. “Wideband mid infrared absorber using surface doped black silicon,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 121, No. 23, 231703, 2022.