Systematic Review on Digital Resilience in Organization-Related Context: A temporal perspective
This paper aims to take part in further exploring the notion of Digital Resilience (DR) (Boh et al., 2020). The interest in this topic can notably be measured through the number of influential conferences (e.g., ICIS 2021; ECIS 2021; HICCS 2021; AIM 2022) and the last MIS Quarterly special issue interested in DR (March 2023, volume 47, issue 1). Boh et al. (2023: 344) define DR as the “capabilities developed with the use of digital technologies to absorb major shocks, adapt to disruptions, and transform to a new stable state”. In this short paper, we adopt a focus on DR within organizations. The disseminated and sometimes ambiguous nature of the literature on this topic highlights the need for a clearer positioning of DR. Recent work on organizational resilience (e.g., Hillman and Guenther, 2021; Raetze et al., 2022) propose can offer keys to understanding this notion of organization-related DR. We thus achieved a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) drawing on existing works to address the following research question: What is the current state of in organization-related DR research?