Spatio-temporal distribution of cellular retinoid binding protein gene transcripts in the developing and the adult cochlea. Morphological and functional consequences in CRABP- and CRBPI-null mutant mice
The expression patterns of the mouse cellular retinoid binding protein genes were investigated by in situ hybridization analysis in the inner ear from 10.5 days post coïtum (dpc) up to the adult stage. The cellular retinoic acid binding protein II (CRABPII) and cellular retinol binding protein I (CRBPI) were present in a widespread and abundant pattern in cochlear structures during embryogenesis. Expression of the cellular retinoic acid binding protein I (CRABPI) is restricted during development in Kölliker's organ whilst cellular retinol binding protein II (CRBPII) is only visible after birth with a ubiquitous distribution in most regions of the cochlea including nervous components. No CRABP or CRBP transcripts were observed in the auditory receptors. Morphological observations of CRBPI- and CRABPI/CRABPII-null mutant fetus at 18.5 dpc do not show any structural modification at the level of the organ of Corti. Furthermore, electrophysiological tests performed by measuring distorsion-product otoacoustic emissions and auditory brainstem evoked responses did not present significant alteration of the auditory function for the different types of mutants. The expression of retinoid binding proteins in cochlear structures during embryogenesis could suggest important roles for these proteins during ontogenesis and morphogenesis of the inner ear. Despite these observations, morphological and functional data from mutant mice did not present obvious modifications of the cochlear structures and auditory thresholds. It is therefore unlikely that CRABPs and CRBPI are directly involved in development of the cochlea and hair cell differentiation.