Treatabolome DB: linking gene and variants with treatments for rare diseases
Although next-generation sequencing (NGS) has drastically improved diagnosis for patients with rare diseases (RDs), access to knowledge of effective treatments is still sparse and often unclear. The large number of RDs (>7,000 estimated) and their genetic heterogeneity make the identification of existing treatments difficult for clinicians. To facilitate treatment visibility, Solve-RD has promoted the development of the Treatabolome DB, a database to facilitate the identification of putative treatments linked to the causative gene or genetic variant/s.
A relational database maps genetic variants, or genes, to treatments according to the information collected through systematic literature reviews (SLRs) produced by disease experts. To date, 8 SLRs have been completed on congenital myasthenic syndromes, laminopathies, muscular channelopathies, mitochondrial disorders (Leigh syndromes), hereditary peripheral neuropathies, genetic forms of Parkinson's disease, and metabolic myopathies. Currently, the Treatabolome consists of a dataset of more than 180 different treatments addressing more than 1000 unique variants and 77 genes, that can be interrogated through a web portal by clinicians and researchers. Gene and variant associated treatments can be programmatically queried with the API. The RD-Connect GPAP already incorporates a connection with the Treatabolome by benefitting from the open API of the platform.