Late Miocene Conidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of Crete, Greece. Part 3: subgenus Conus (Monteiroconus) da Motta, 1991
Late Miocene Conidae of Crete (Greece) have been recently evaluated for the genera Conilithes, Conus (Kalloconus),
Conus (Lautoconus), Conus (Stephanoconus) and Conus (Plagioconus). We conclude the study of the family herein by discussing the subgenus
Conus (Monteiroconus). With the aid of UV light, five species are discussed in detail, Conus (Monteiroconus) antiquus Lamarck, 1810, Conus (Monteiroconus) hoernesi Doderlein, 1863, Conus (Monteiroconus) karamanensis Erünal-Erentöz, 1958 and two species left in open nomenclature. Tortonian Conidae of Crete now sum up to thirty-three species, three of them being endemic to Crete. Knowledge of this fauna adds to that of the Tortonian Conidae of the Eastern Proto-Mediterranean and helps to fill a gap between the Middle Miocene Conidae faunas from the Paratethys and Eastern Proto-Mediterranean and the Late Miocene Central and Western Proto-Mediterranean assemblages.