Descriptions paysagères et utopie sociale dans les récits de voyages et les romans coloniaux allemands (XIXe-XXe siècles)
This paper analyses utopian propensities in German travel relations and colonial novels from ca. 1850 to 1914 and focuses on the metaphorical projection of idealized societies and regimes into the exotic landscape. The word “colony” is understood in two different acceptations. Around 1850, the “German colony” designates a group of settlers who emigrate and keep true to their original way of life.
From the 1880s onward, the “German colonies” stand for countries in a state of political and economic subordination to Germany as a new colonial power. Despite the evolution of the German colonial policies through the 19th century, the perception of the German communities overseas evince continuities: the “German colonies” allow the colonialist activists to show the defaults of the European Germans and to sketch a better society.