Chrono-cultural variability in the Serra da Capivara region (Piauí, Brazil): new advances
We present recent advances about the archaeological sequence of the Serra da Capivara Park (Piauí, Brazil) based on new studies of lithic industries from this region, and their implications for the reconstitution of the human settlement in the region. This area witnesses a dense and continuous prehistoric occupation, starting from Pleistocene period until the Holocene. Nevertheless, detailed lithic analyses have been realized just for few sites until now, with a specific focus on Pleistocene industries. The general techno-cultural characteristics of the successive occupations are still scarce for the whole region.
The analysis of several well-dated archaeological sequences allows an approach of the technical variability through time and shows the technical trends of each period. Using a technological method to study lithic assemblages and a techno-functional approach of retouched tools, we highlight that different techno-cultural groups are attested in the region.
These results allow a preliminary outline of the changes in lithic production during the prehistoric occupation of the Serra da Capivara region, and can be discussed and integrated in the framework of the settlement of North-East Brazil.