Fast Yet Accurate Timing and Power Prediction of Artificial Neural Networks Deployed on Clock-Gated Multi-Core Platforms
When deploying Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) onto multi-
core embedded platforms, an intensive evaluation flow is necessary
to find implementations that optimize resource usage, timing and
power. ANNs require indeed significant amounts of computational
and memory resources to execute, while embedded execution plat-
forms offer limited resources with strict power budget. Concurrent
accesses from processors to shared resources on multi-core plat-
forms can lead to bottlenecks with impact on performance and
power. Existing approaches show limitations to deliver fast yet
accurate evaluation ahead of ANN deployment on the targeted
hardware. In this paper, we present a modeling flow for timing and
power prediction in early design stage of fully-connected ANNs on
multi-core platforms. Our flow offers fast yet accurate predictions
with consideration of shared communication resources and scalabil-
ity in regards of the number of cores used. The flow is evaluated on
real measurements for 42 mappings of 3 fully-connected ANNs exe-
cuted on a clock-gated multi-core platform featuring two different
communication modes: polling or interrupt-based. Our modeling
flow predicts timing with 97 % accuracy and power with 96 % accu-
racy on the tested mappings for an average simulation time of 0.23 s
for 100 iterations. We then illustrate the application of our approach
for efficient design space exploration of ANN implementations.