Visual rehabilitation for learning disorders in virtual reality
Current dyslexia rehabilitations methods, although efficient, suffer from the lack of adherence from young patients due to their repetitive and arduous tasks. Digital Therapeutics (DT) have grown exponentially in the last decade, and could be a stepping stone for dyslexia therapy. Making full use of new technologies, they offer new treatments for various disorders. The advancement and diffusion of Virtual Reality (VR) technologies are a new step in the therapeutic domain, notably for the treatment of neurological troubles. In this paper we propose a hybrid VR interface using eye-tracking (ET) and Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) with a gamified application for the rehabilitation of dyslexia. This prototype was designed in collaboration with medical professionals to create a gamified set of exercises adapted in 3D for dyslexia rehabilitation. The interface VR-ET-BCI serves as a monitoring device for the patient and a therapy evaluator for the practitioner. As of today, it lacks yet the clinical trials to show validated results, but an increase in motivation and adherence to therapy is expected.