"In my country, I am a specialist nurse... But here, I was hired as a care assistant...". The integration of health professionals with foreign qualifications into the French hospital sector: a process of recognition and/or exclusion?
« Dans mon pays, je suis une infirmière spécialisée... Mais ici, j’ai été embauchée comme aide soignante...». Parcours d’insertion de professionnel.le.s de santé à diplôme étranger dans le secteur hospitalier français : processus de reconnaissance et/ou d’exclusion ?
Based on the reconstruction of migratory and professional trajectories for a group of nurses with foreign diplomas in the hospital sector of a large city in the South-East of France, I have apprehended the processes of recognition of diplomas, of qualification/designation (Berset, Weygold, Crevoisier, Hainard 1999) in an intersectional perspective (Crenshaw 1991). The aim was to understand whether within the French hospital sector, which is experiencing a severe labour shortage, there is a hierarchy of staff according to the origin of their diploma, their class, their gender, in other words whether it was possible to understand a segmentation of the sector