PsautierIMS: dataset - Archive ouverte HAL
Autre Publication Scientifique Année : 2022

PsautierIMS: dataset


This data set was prepared for the paper: Stutzmann, Dominique. « Words as graphic and linguistic structures. Word spacing in Psalm 101 Domine exaudi orationem meam (eleventh-fifteenth centuries) ». In Les Mots au Moyen Âge – Words in the Middle Ages, ed. Victoria Turner and Vincent Debiais, 21‑59. Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy 46. Turnhout: Brepols, 2020. 10.1484/M.USML-EB.5.120721. The textual and alignment data was prepared between June 2016 and December 2017. The last modification is of 2017. Minor alignment corrections and  files in ALTO format through automated transformations were added in 2022.   Credits If you use this data set, please reference the following publication: ``` @incollection\stutzmann_words\₂020,     address = \Turnhout\,     series = \Utrecht \Studies\ in \Medieval\ \Literacy\\,     title = \Words as graphic and linguistic structures. \Word\ spacing in \Psalm\ 101 \Domine\ exaudi orationem meam (eleventh-fifteenth centuries)\,     url = \10.1484/M.USML-EB.5.120721\,     number = \46\,     booktitle = \Les \Mots\ au \Moyen\ Âge – \Words\ in the \Middle\ \Ages\\,     publisher = \Brepols\,     author = \Stutzmann, Dominique\,     editor = \Turner, Victoria and Debiais, Vincent\,     year = \2020\,     pages = \21−59\, \ ``` 40% of the present transcriptions are based on a preliminary version created by Denis Muzerelle, based on the transcriptions by himself and Carla Bozzolo, Dominique Coq, Ezio Ornato for their article   Bozzolo, Carla, Dominique Coq, Denis Muzerelle, et Ezio Ornato. « Les abréviations dans les livres liturgiques du XVe siècle : pratique et théorie ». In Actas del VIII coloquio del Comité internatiocional de paleografía latina (Madrid-Toledo, set.-oct. 1987), 17‑27. Madrid, 1990.  Scope and content  This data set encompasses 48 transcriptions of the text of the biblical Psalm 101 from digital images of medieval manuscripts.  The original data set was created as part of the ANR ORIFLAMMS ([ANR-12-CORP-0010]( project. Texts were transcribed by Irene Ceccherini in the original TEI-XML format, rendering both abbreviated and expanded forms of the original text. The transcriptions were revised at the end of the project by Dominique Stutzmann, and the alignement data was produced by merging coordinates created through the Oriflamms software and coordinates produced by A2IA for words, and corrected at word level by Dominique Stutzmann.  A new version was prepared in March 2022 as part of the research for a joint paper on HTR diversity for the  DH 2022 conference (Tokyo). several ALTO files were generated with different versions of the edited text (normalized or not normalized / abbreviations expanded or not).   Folders The present data set gathers different folders with different types of information. The folder schema and file format used in the ORIFLAMMS is described in: Consortium Oriflamms. « Spécification du format XML-TEI pour l’alignement texte-image. 1. Structure et convention de nommage ». Écriture médiévale & numérique, 11 Sept. 2016. Consortium Oriflamms. « Spécification du format XML-TEI pour l’alignement texte-image. 2. Bonnes pratiques d’encodage ». Écriture médiévale & numérique, 12 Sept. 2016. /img/ Folder with 131 images. The source of the photograph, i.e. the shelfmark of the medieval manuscript and the folio number, is formalized as TEI \textlessmsIdentifier/\textgreater element in the files of the /texts/ folder. These images are mainly also integrated in the BVMM (Bibliothèque Virtuelle des Manuscrits Médiévaux) and in Gallica as IIIF compliant images. Nota bene: The transcriptions do not cover the full text present on the images. They cover only the text of Psalm 101. /texts/ `texts/PsautierIMS-w.xml` file: same file with `\textlessw/\textgreater` elements and identifiers for all paragraphs, lines, and words; `PsautierIMS-c.xml` file: same file  with `\textlessc/\textgreater` elements and identiiers for all characters and punctuation. The additional file named `texts/PsautierIMS-w-merged.xml` does not correspond to the ORIFLAMMS specification. It is a XML-TEI file with the same structure as `mss-dates-w.xml` but with following additions: the zones coordinates are integrated in a `\textlessfacsimile/\textgreater` element within each concerned `\textlessTEI/\textgreater` element; the `@xml:id` attributes within `\textlessmilestone/\textgreater` elements are renamed to avoid multiple occurrences; the `\textlesslb/\textgreater` and `\textlessw/\textgreater` elements are enhanced with a `@facs` attribute pointing to the corresponding `\textlesszone/\textgreater` element; the `\textlessw/\textgreater` elements are enhanced with a `@corresp` attribute containing the string value of the word without expansion nor normalization. /zones/, /img\ₗinks/ Files linking text parts to zones described as coordinates on the images (/img/ folder). /ontologies/, /ontologies\ₗink/, /oriflamms/ Here, folders are present, but the data is not created. /txm/ Data produced for statistical analysis with the TXM software. /alto/ ALTO files were created from the preexisting TEI files and combine the coordinates and the text in single files where the text is flat and rendered at a line level, with/without normalization and with/without abbrevations. /Word-Spacing/ Data used for the above mentioned publication.


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Dates et versions

hal-03917820 , version 1 (02-01-2023)



Dominique Stutzmann. PsautierIMS: dataset. 2022, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.6507973⟩. ⟨hal-03917820⟩
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