Journal Articles スラヴ学論集 = Slavia Iaponica = Studies in Slavic languages and literatures Year : 2019

Fryderyk Chopin and Stefan Witwicki



This study aims to elucidate the ways in which the poetic rhythm of the Polish language influenced Fryderyk Chopin’s (1810–1849) compositional choices in his song settings of poems by Stefan Witwicki (1801–1847). Witwicki’s poetry often pertains to local themes and poetic rhythms. Chopin set 10 poems by Witwicki to music. Most of the poems with trochaic scansion he set as a Dumka, which is a duple-meter folksong style that originates in the Ukraine. On the other hand, Chopin set as a Mazurka the 3 poems the use trochee, amphibrach, peon III and dactyl feet. Only in Życzenie did he use a mixed style blending the Mazurka and Waltz. The mazurka is a Polish folk dance from the Mazowsze region, and it has simple triple meter and its accents often occur not on the first but on the second or the third beats. Analyses of these songs reveal that Chopin responded sensitively to the rhythms of the Polish words and composed the music so as to fit such rhythms strictly. In the conclusion I discuss what was “Polish” music in Chopin’s compositions. In reality, Chopin wrote not only Polish folk music but he also composed songs that referenced musical styles connected with non-Polish styles such as ones originating in present-day Western Ukraine, which belonged politically to Poland until 1795. As a result of my research, I now think about the possibility that Chopin’s “Poland” was, in this sense, an amalgamation of different musical styles and cultures from wider Slavic regions beyond Poland.
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hal-03915831 , version 1 (29-12-2022)


  • HAL Id : hal-03915831 , version 1


Risa Matsuo. ショパンとヴィトフィツキ. スラヴ学論集 = Slavia Iaponica = Studies in Slavic languages and literatures, 2019, 22, pp.115-125. ⟨hal-03915831⟩
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