Simulation of induced-wind-dominated fire on sloping terrain
Using the fully physical model FireStar3D, a numerical simulation of an eruptive fire was carried out for a grassland on a slopping terrain (30° inclination) and a 10 m-open wind speed of 2 m/s. To reproduce the behaviour of a quasi-infinite fire front, periodic conditions were considered in the fireline direction. The simulation highlights the role played by the additional wind induced by the fire (that reaches about 5.8 m/s at 10 m above ground) and its feedback action on fire behaviour. This interaction results in the transition of the fire behaviour from a plume-dominated fire to a wind-dominated fire, and this goes along with a substantial increase of the rate of spread (from 0.454 m/s to 0.714 m/s) and of the fireline heat release rate (from 4.8 MW/m to 14 MW/m). The fire regime was characterized by Byram’s convection number, based on the effective crosswind speed, that drops from 46.8 to about 3.8 once fire-induced wind takes effect on fire behaviour.