A Generic Framework for Structuring Configuration Management for Socio-technical System: Application to Control Rooms
Control rooms are workspaces that serve the purpose of managing and operating physically dispersed systems, services and staff. They embed multiple types of systems and software, which may themselves have several characteristics. Configuration management consists in processes and techniques to systematically identify and manage the characteristics of these systems and software, as well as their changes, in order to ensure the reliability of the operations. However, systems and software are not the only elements for which several characteristics are to be managed in order to ensure the reliability of the operations in a control room. The following elements are also important: procedures, organizational processes, team structures and crewmembers. In addition, the characteristics of these elements may also vary over time. Operational procedures may change, as well as processes, team structure and crewmembers skills’ level and knowledge level. In this paper, we propose a conceptual framework to address in a systematic and integrated way, and from a socio-technical point of view, the configuration management of all of the elements of a control room. These elements are systems and software, crewmembers that are in charge of the operations, operational procedures the crewmembers apply, as well as processes and standards released by organizations that are responsible for the operations.