From vesicles to nanocomposites, from Saclay to Grenoble and Montpellier, a scientific journey with Isabelle Grillo
A few examples of experimental studies of soft matter systems will be presented to
illustrate some aspects of the personal and scientific journey of Isabelle Grillo. I have met
Isabelle for the first time almost twenty-five years ago in the Bombannes school, and since
then a combination of geographic coincidence, common scientific topics – from surfactant
systems to polymer nanocomposites -, and a shared interest in a technique, neutron
scattering, made us walk some steps of this journey together. While the extra-ordinary
structure of many of the systems Isabelle took interest in will be presented by world-leading
experts in this symposium, my presentation will shortly highlight vesicular structures, and
then bridge the gap between PhD work supervised by us on nanocomposites to our current
understanding of the structure of such nanomaterials.