Reaction–drift–diffusion models from master equations: application to material defects
Abstract We present a general method to produce well-conditioned continuum reaction–drift–diffusion equations directly from master equations on a discrete, periodic state space. We assume the underlying data to be kinetic Monte Carlo models (i.e. continuous-time Markov chains) produced from atomic sampling of point defects in locally periodic environments, such as perfect lattices, ordered surface structures or dislocation cores, possibly under the influence of a slowly varying external field. Our approach also applies to any discrete, periodic Markov chain. The analysis identifies a previously omitted non-equilibrium drift term, present even in the absence of external forces, which can compete in magnitude with the reaction rates, thus being essential to correctly capture the kinetics. To remove fast modes which hinder time integration, we use a generalized Bloch relation to efficiently calculate the eigenspectrum of the master equation. A well conditioned continuum equation then emerges by searching for spectral gaps in the long wavelength limit, using an established kinetic clustering algorithm to define a proper reduced, Markovian state space.