Linear polarization of hydroxyl masers in circumstellar envelope outer regions
A recent polarimetric survey of OH masers in a large sample of AGB and post-AGB stars revealed widespread occurrence of polarized features. We made a statistical analysis of the polarization properties of this large data set. We discuss the alignment of polarization position angles between the extreme blue- and red-shifted parts of the 1612 MHz spectrum. The average polarization angle of OH masers from the opposite sides of the envelope agrees within 20° for 80% of the sources in the sample. For two objects monitored over ~6 years the polarization position angle at 1612 MHz is constant within measurement uncertainties: this suggests a stable and a very regular structure of the circumstellar magnetic fields. Alternatively, this could indicate a galactic origin of the field which may be amplified by the stellar wind in the outermost parts of the envelopes.