SparseChain: Sparse Distributed Blockchain Storage Protocol - Archive ouverte HAL
Pré-Publication, Document De Travail Année : 2022

SparseChain: Sparse Distributed Blockchain Storage Protocol

Kahina Khacef


Traditional blockchains such as Bitcoin and Ethereum today contain hundreds of gigabytes of data, and their transactions will only continue to grow in size over time. This paper focuses on block storage scalability. We design a new consensus algorithm that rewards nodes for storing historical data and incentivizes them to store a suitable amount of data. Unlike Arweave, our approach provides efficient storage features making it convenient for lightweight peers. Indeed, the consensus distributes specific blocks to store to miners according to their hash rate and rewards them for the storage with Proof of Random Access. In addition, we provide theoretical results that guarantee the immutability and permanent availability of the data.
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Dates et versions

hal-03676819 , version 1 (24-05-2022)
hal-03676819 , version 2 (27-07-2022)


  • HAL Id : hal-03676819 , version 2


Kahina Khacef. SparseChain: Sparse Distributed Blockchain Storage Protocol. 2022. ⟨hal-03676819v2⟩
364 Consultations
330 Téléchargements

