Snowmass White Paper: Higher Spin Gravity and Higher Spin Symmetry
Higher Spin Gravity refers to extensions of gravity including at least one field of spin greater than two. These extensions are expected to provide manageable models of quantum gravity thanks to the infinite-dimensional (higher spin) gauge symmetry constraining them. One of the key aspects of Higher Spin Gravity/Symmetry is the range and diversity of topics it embraces: (a) higher spin fields play a role in quantum gravity, AdS/CFT, string theory and are expected to have important consequences in cosmology and black hole physics; (b) higher spin symmetry finds applications in Conformal Field Theories, condensed matter systems and dualities therein; (c) these models often rely on tools developed in the study of the mathematical foundations of QFT or in pure mathematics: from deformation quantization and non-commutative geometry to conformal geometry, graded geometry (including BV-BRST quantization), and geometry of PDEs. Recent exciting applications also involve (d) modelling the coalescence of black hole binaries as scattering of massive higher spin particles.
Mots clés
spin: high
field theory: conformal
spin: symmetry
symmetry: gauge
geometry: noncommutative
geometry: conformal
quantization: deformation
black hole: binary: coalescence
particle: spin
quantum gravity: model
string model
condensed matter
AdS/CFT correspondence
cosmological model