An Original Approach to Extract Momentum and Heat Transfers from Particle-Resolved Simulations of Particulate Flows
This chapter proposes an original alternative to Lagrange extrapolation in the hydrodynamic force and heat transfer computation in order to avoid contaminated solution of the Navier-Stokes equations near the solid-fluid interface. It is devoted to setting up Aslam extension numerical parameters and estimating drag and Nusselt coefficients for uniform flows around an isolated sphere, and comparing them to those given by Lagrange extrapolation in order to assess the improvements made by Aslam extension. The chapter is a presentation of the numerical method (i.e. viscous penalty method) to simulate various particulate flows and the method used to extract from these simulations the momentum and heat transfers between the two phases. A viscous penalty method is used to simulate the interaction between spherical particles and the surrounding carrier fluid using particle-resolved direct numerical simulations. The chapter compares the drag coefficient values computed with Lagrange extrapolation with those computed with Aslam extension.