Landscape structure analysis of the Orulgan Ridge eastern slope
Анализ ландшафтной структуры восточного склона хребта Орулган
The aim of the research is to analyze the landscape structure of the eastern slope of the Orulgan ridge using complex geoinformation modelling. We use the field surveys data made in 2018-2019. The geoinformation modelling technique consists of the supervised pixel-based classification of time series remote sensing data of Landsat 8 OLI/ TIRS and Sentinel 2 MSI and TPI-based landform classification using ASTER GDEM scenes. As a result of a combination of the obtained physiognomic criteria, relief and vegetation, the types of terrain and landscape units of the study area were identified. The Random Forest classifier was the most efficient in identifying 8 association groups with an overall accuracy of 79.7% by the confusion matrix. With an overlay of terrain types and vegetation associations, we allow the creation of the permafrost-landscape map. In total, 22 landscape units were identified within the study area. The use of geoinformation modeling made it possible to obtain a detailed landscape structure of study area and assess the main properties of the landscape spatial organization of the eastern slope of the Orulgan ridge. The mountainous area characterized by strong dissection, causes a well-defined vertical zonation. In general, the most common altitudinal permafrost landscapes is mountain woodlands (57% of the territory) and mountain tundra occupies 16%. Intrazonal mountain and boreal landscapes occupy 15%. The leading role in the landscape diversity of the eastern slope of the Orulgan Range is played by a combination of various geological structures that determine the types of erosion-tectonic (mountain-slope and rocky mountain tops), glacial-accumulative (moraine, outwash and glacial-valley) and erosion-accumulative terrain. (medium-altitude terrace and low-terrace) origin.